Friday, November 14, 2014

The Vicious Cycle Pt. II

So what are the rich doing that the poor and middle class are not?

The Poor and middle class is working hard for money. They are spending their time to work for money. All the while, the rich are making time and money work for them.

I started this journey at 12 years as I attended business meetings with my mom. One of the most memorable businesses that I attended were the Maxxis 3000 meetings. This was a financial business led by my "uncles" Alvin Curry and Ivey Stokes. I learned from these intelligent men as well as from many financial gurus and sources about the importance of getting out of debt and creating wealth.

I have learned throughout these years how it feels to be apart of the working class. I've worked long hours past overtime hours while being paid salary and hourly. i have watched my 20-40+ hours of week of labor not truly reflect in my paychecks, along with more than 1/3 of my check being eaten up by taxes. At the beginning of a new year, I anticipated for a Federal Tax Refund, only to learn that about only 60-70% of the taxes I paid the previous year was refunded to me.

After experiencing the working class experience along with so many older and young men and women, I looked at my paychecks and I looked at myself in the mirror. I asked myself, "Is this the best that I can do?"

Why are the rich getting richer and the poor and the middle class getting poorer? The true answer is that the Rich have whats called a Financial IQ! They know how money works. And most importantly, they know how to make money and time work for them.

Not many of us want to be filthy rich. But many of us want to be wealthy and well off in order to take care of ourselves, our retirement, and give a little something back to our children's children's children.

I am only 25 years old. Most of you would call that a baby or really young. However, its not too young to start down the journey of Financial Security. And its never too late to start down the road of Financial Freedom.

Join me as I travel the road less traveled by others, and you too can break the vicious cycle!

Call Imperium Tax Today at 404.820.6383 for a free consultation and to get the Financial knowledge you need to grow and truly accomplish your goals and dreams!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Vicious Cycle Pt. I

Have you noticed the vicious cycle that seems to plague our parents, our grandparents, and their parents before them? They wake up, go to work all day, come home, go to bed and day in and day out, they continue this cycle until the glorified weekends approach. TGIF! Remember that? Throughout the year, they are only able to boast of one vacation a year. Maybe two or three if they can afford it or if they earned enough vacation hours.

All the while, they miss countless children plays and sports games, and they have dirty looks from their Boss when they have to call off due to their 2yr old toddler having the flu and a croup cough. And although our parents and our parents' parents see their hard earned money (hours) being eaten up by taxes that (despite a Federal Refund check) never really all get paid back, they tell us to take the same steps that lead them down this broken road.

What do we get? We get generation after generation of hard workers that never see the true fruits of their labor nor accomplish the dreams they had since age 25. We are lucky to get retirement, or have a lump sum of savings in the bank, or we'd be doomed to become a percentage in the poverty statistics.
However, as I drive down the streets of Peachtree Battle Road and window shop in the Lenox Mall of Buckhead, I'm made aware of one true thing. There is something really wrong with this picture, isn't it?

Why is there only 1% of the population having 95% and more of all the world's riches while 95% of the population barely have 1% of the world's riches to call their own? Why does the middle class number continue to shrink into either the poor class or the upper "rich" class? But most importantly, why do we as a younger generation see whats happening and are following in our parents' footsteps?
There is one true reality of our economy today. There will soon only be two economic classes of people. The poor class and the rich class.

The poor class are those people that go to work day in and day out, but no matter how hard they work they only earn enough to make ends meet. They are constantly working hard for money while their body clocks are ticking away into old age.

Then there is the rich class. These are the people that you see driving in the iconic vehicles of good money ie. Mercedes Benz, Range Rover and classic BMW. They seem to have countless free hours everyday to dine in the Houston's restaurants, take long jogs, and enjoy a well deserved hard day's labor of shopping in Phipps Plaza for the Holiday Gala coming up at the end of their fabulous week.
Why does it seem that the hard working are so poor and the "hardly working" are so rich? The question that I have personally always asked is, " What are the Rich doing that the poor and middle class are not?".......

Read Part II for more!